Topic history | v1 (current) | created by jjones



| created by jjones | Edit topic "Computer Science"
ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework and successor to ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft and the community. It is a modular framework that runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET Core. However ASP.NET Core version 3 works only on .NET Core dropping support of .NET Framework.The framework is a complete rewrite that unites the previously separate ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API into a single programming model. Despite being a new framework, built on a new web stack, it does have a high degree of concept compatibility with ASP.NET. ASP.NET Core applications supports side by side versioning in which different applications, running on the same machine, can target different versions of ASP.NET Core. This is not possible with previous versions of ASP.NET.


This topic has no history of related authors.


is Web framework
v1 | attached by jjones | Edit topic "Computer Science"
relates to ASP.NET
v1 | attached by jjones | Edit topic "ASP.NET"
parent of ASP.NET Core Minification
v1 | attached by jjones | Edit topic "Computer Science"
uses C#
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic "C#"
uses .NET Core
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic ".NET Core"
has version ASP.NET Core 5
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic "ASP.NET Core 5"
relates to Blazor
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic "Blazor"
subtopic of .NET
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic "Covariance and contravariance"
parent of ASP.NET Core Caching
v1 | attached by jjones | Add resource "Response caching in ASP.NET Core"
has version ASP.NET Core 6
v1 | attached by jjones | Add topic "ASP.NET Core 6"