
Topic | v1 | created by jjones |

Blazor is a free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web applications using C# and HTML. It is being developed by Microsoft. A Blazor app can interop with JavaScript (with both running on the client side), e.g. call (reuse) JavaScript functions from .NET methods.


subtopic of Web framework

A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to s...

relates to ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework and successor to ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft...

parent of Mobile Blazor Bindings

Mobile Blazor Bindings enable developers to build native and hybrid mobile apps using C# and .NET for...

parent of .NET MAUI Blazor

You can host Blazor components in .NET MAUI apps to build cross-platform native apps using web UI. Th...

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has official Introduction to ASP.NET Core Blazor

Explore ASP.NET Core Blazor, a way to build interactive client-side web UI with .NET in an ASP.NET Co...

treated in Building real-time applications with Blazor and GraphQL - Michael Staib

Let`s put GraphQL and Blazor together and build super-responsive real-time applications. Together...