Edit topic "Computer Science" Accepted
Changes: 15
Add Bundle and minify static assets in ASP.NET Core
- Title
- Unchanged
- Bundle and minify static assets in ASP.NET Core
- Type
- Unchanged
- Web
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2020-01-01
- Description
- Unchanged
- Learn how to optimize static resources in an ASP.NET Core web application by applying bundling and minification techniques.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/client-side/bundling-and-minification
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Update Computer science
- Title
- Unchanged
- Computer science
- At edit time
- Computer Science
- Description
- Unchanged
- Computer science is the study of computation and information. Computer science deals with theory of computation, algorithms, computational problems and the design of computer systems hardware, software and applications. Computer science addresses both human-made and natural information processes, such as communication, control, perception, learning and intelligence especially in human-made computing systems and machines. According to Peter Denning, the fundamental question underlying computer science is, What can be automated?Its fields can be divided into theoretical and practical disciplines. Computational complexity theory is highly abstract, while computer graphics and computational geometry emphasizes real-world applications. Algorithmics is called the heart of computer science.
- At edit time
- no value
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=5323
- At edit time
- no value
Add Minification
- Title
- Unchanged
- Minification
- Description
- Unchanged
- Minification (also minimisation or minimization) is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from the source code of interpreted programming languages or markup languages without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute. Minification reduces the size of the source code, making its transmission over a network (e.g. the Internet) more efficient. In programmer culture, aiming at extremely minified source code is the purpose of recreational code golf competitions. Minification must not be confused with obfuscation; the former can be readily reversed using a pretty-printer.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=3014865
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add ASP.NET Core
- Title
- Unchanged
- ASP.NET Core
- Description
- Unchanged
- ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework and successor to ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft and the community. It is a modular framework that runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET Core. However ASP.NET Core version 3 works only on .NET Core dropping support of .NET Framework.The framework is a complete rewrite that unites the previously separate ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API into a single programming model. Despite being a new framework, built on a new web stack, it does have a high degree of concept compatibility with ASP.NET. ASP.NET Core applications supports side by side versioning in which different applications, running on the same machine, can target different versions of ASP.NET Core. This is not possible with previous versions of ASP.NET.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=43282483
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add ASP.NET Core Minification
- Title
- Unchanged
- ASP.NET Core Minification
- Description
- Unchanged
- no value
- Link
- Unchanged
- no value
Topic | v1 | current (v2) -
- Title
- Unchanged
- Description
- Unchanged
- ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web-application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language. The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages. ASP.NET's successor is ASP.NET Core. It is a re-implementation of ASP.NET as a modular web framework, together with other frameworks like Entity Framework. The new framework uses the new open-source .NET Compiler Platform (codename "Roslyn") and is cross platform. ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=651996
Topic | v1 | current (v2) -
Add Web programming
- Title
- Unchanged
- Web programming
- Description
- Unchanged
- Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications (web apps), electronic businesses, and social network services. A more comprehensive list of tasks to which web development commonly refers, may include web engineering, web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. Among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building websites: writing markup and coding. Web development may use content management systems (CMS) to make content changes easier and available with basic technical skills.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=611714
Topic | v1 | current (v2) -
Add Web framework
- Title
- Unchanged
- Web framework
- Description
- Unchanged
- A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a software framework that is designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs. Web frameworks provide a standard way to build and deploy web applications on the World Wide Web. Web frameworks aim to automate the overhead associated with common activities performed in web development. For example, many web frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating frameworks, and session management, and they often promote code reuse. Although they often target development of dynamic web sites, they are also applicable to static websites.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=2342095
Topic | v1 | current (v3) -
Add ASP.NET Core Minification has official Bundle and minify static assets in ASP.NET Core
- Current
- has official
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Computer science parent of Web programming
- Current
- (detached)
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Computer science parent of Web framework
- Current
- (detached)
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Web framework e.g. ASP.NET Core
- Current
- e.g.
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Web framework e.g. ASP.NET
- Current
- e.g.
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Web programming parent of Minification
- Current
- parent of
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add ASP.NET Core parent of ASP.NET Core Minification
- Current
- parent of
Topic to topic relation | v1