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jjones bookmarked Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration into
jjones bookmarked Svelte's lifecycle methods can be used anywhere into
jjones bookmarked Lean 4 Hackers into
jjones commented on Sugar: The Bitter Truth
9 rating 8 level 5 clarity 4 user's background
Shows underlying chemistry
Complex at times
jjones bookmarked Sugar: The Bitter Truth into
jjones bookmarked WebView2 and Electron into
jjones commented on WebView2 and Electron
9 rating 2 level 8 clarity 3 user's background
Relevant links
Not biased
Great summary
jjones bookmarked Rules of Squash into
jdgamble555 started following jjones
jjones commented on A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks
8 rating 7 level 7 clarity 5 user's background
Missing document understanding application
jjones bookmarked A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks into
xenoproxy bookmarked Computer programming into
xenoproxy bookmarked PostgreSQL into
xenoproxy bookmarked Amazon Web Services (AWS) into
xenoproxy bookmarked Computer science into
jjones commented on Build Time Code Generation in MSBuild
10 rating 3 level 8 clarity 4 user's background
Exactly what I needed
jjones bookmarked Build Time Code Generation in MSBuild into