Google Cloud Product Fundamentals

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This course builds on the Business Transformation with Google Cloud course by taking you on a journey into the technology lens of an organization's transformation. Specifically, we'll explain how an organization can achieve digital transformation using Google Cloud's technology through the following categories: modernizing its IT infrastructure, upgrading the way in which its teams develop applications that run a business, how it can leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to build new value, how using cloud-based productivity tools like GSuite are essential to the way work gets done, and understand the cost management opportunities and challenges that come with a changing cloud-based IT infrastructure. Throughout the course, we'll explain core concepts such as compute, applications, security, APIs, databases, and their roles in digital transformation.


about Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on t...

supervised by Google Cloud

We help millions of organizations empower their employees, serve their customers, and build what’s ne...

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