Edit resource "Concurrent tree space transformation in the Aardappel programming language." Accepted
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Update Concurrent tree space transformation in the Aardappel programming language
- Title
- Unchanged
- Concurrent tree space transformation in the Aardappel programming language
- At edit time
- Concurrent tree space transformation in the Aardappel programming language.
- Type
- Unchanged
- Paper
- At edit time
- Paper
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2000-07
- At edit time
- 2000-07
- Description
- Unchanged
- It is perceived that one of the biggest problems in maintaining software quality is the above linear growth in complexity compared to the size of a program, resulting in the programmer's cognitive loss of an overview and ultimately the degradation of the quality of the software. This thesis tries to counter that by introducing a language with a new sharing model that makes dependencies in a program explicit at the language level, and local to one specific language construct (the tree space). We introduce the language which is based on tree rewriting and Linda style tuple spaces and comes with a graphical programming notation. We discuss the worth of its design, precisely specify it using a formal semantics, and report on experience with the model using a real world implementation.
- At edit time
- It is perceived that one of the biggest problems in maintaining software quality is the above linear growth in complexity compared to the size of a program, resulting in the programmer's cognitive loss of an overview and ultimately the degradation of the quality of the software. This thesis tries to counter that by introducing a language with a new sharing model that makes dependencies in a program explicit at the language level, and local to one specific language construct (the tree space). We introduce the language which is based on tree rewriting and Linda style tuple spaces and comes with a graphical programming notation. We discuss the worth of its design, precisely specify it using a formal semantics, and report on experience with the model using a real world implementation.
- Link
- Unchanged
- http://strlen.com/files/lang/aardappel/thesis.pdf
- At edit time
- http://strlen.com/files/lang/aardappel/thesis.pdf
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
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- no value