Add resource "Building real-time applications with Blazor and GraphQL - Michael Staib" Accepted
Changes: 2
Add Building real-time applications with Blazor and GraphQL - Michael Staib
- Title
- Unchanged
- Building real-time applications with Blazor and GraphQL - Michael Staib
- Type
- Unchanged
- Video
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2020-10-21
- Description
- Unchanged
- Let`s put GraphQL and Blazor together and build super-responsive real-time applications. Together we will look at how we can consume GraphQL in .NET Core and how fast we can iterate by using GraphQL with Blazor instead of REST. After having a fundamental understanding of how GraphQL improves our data fetching needs in web applications we will move on and build a nice real-time application with Blazor and GraphQL subscriptions. Let us explore how we can improve our component design by binding them to GraphQL fragments. With GraphQL the data that we need to build our components are front and centre.
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- Unchanged
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Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Blazor treated in Building real-time applications with Blazor and GraphQL - Michael Staib
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Topic to resource relation | v1