SASS variables
Sass variables are simple: you assign a value to a name that begins with $, and then you can refer to that name instead of the value itself. But despite their simplicity, they're one of the most useful tools Sass brings to the table. Variables make it possible to reduce repetition, do complex math, configure libraries, and much more.
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treated in Use Sass Variables In Typescript & Javascript
10.0 rating 2.0 level 10.0 clarity 5.0 background – 1 rating
Having one true source of data is one of the first golden rules in software development. When creatin...
10.0 rating 3.0 level 10.0 clarity 7.0 background – 1 rating
Sass variables are simple: you assign a value to a name that begins with $, and then you can refer to...
treated in Use Sass Variables in Javascript
8.0 rating 1.0 level 9.0 clarity 9.0 background – 1 rating
This is a little writeup about a nice and easy solution for accessing Sass variables in your Javascri...