Deep Learning on Mobile Devices - A Review

Resource | v1 | created by janarez |
Type Paper
Created 2019-03-20
Identifier 10.13140/RG.2.2.15012.12167


While traditional computation paradigms rely on mobile sensing and cloud computing, deep learning implemented on mobile devices provides several advantages. These advantages include low communication bandwidth, small cloud computing resource cost, quick response time, and improved data privacy. In this paper, we discuss hardware architectures for mobile deep learning. We present Size, Weight, Area and Power considerations and their relation to algorithm optimizations, such as quantization, pruning, compression, and approximations that simplify computation while retaining performance accuracy. We cover existing systems and give a state-of-the-industry review of TensorFlow, MXNet, Mobile AI Compute Engine, and Paddle-mobile deep learning platform. We discuss resources for mobile deep learning practitioners. We present applications of various mobile sensing modalities to industries. We address the key deep learning challenges to overcome.


about Deep learning on mobile devices

While traditional computation paradigms rely on mobile sensing and cloud computing, deep learning imp...

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