Add topic "Arithmetic coding" Accepted
Changes: 6
Add An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding
- Title
- Unchanged
- An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding
- Type
- Unchanged
- Paper
- Created
- Unchanged
- 1984-03
- Description
- Unchanged
- Arithmetic coding is a data compression technique that encodes data (the data string) by creating a code string which represents a fractional value on the number line between 0 and 1. The coding algorithm is symbol-wise recursive; i.e., it operates upon and encodes (decodes) one data symbol per iteration or recursion. On each recursion, the algorithm successively partitions an interval of the number line between 0 and I, and retains one of the partitions as the new interval.
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Introduction to Arithmetic Coding - Theory and Practice
- Title
- Unchanged
- Introduction to Arithmetic Coding - Theory and Practice
- Type
- Unchanged
- Paper
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2004-04-21
- Description
- Unchanged
- This introduction to arithmetic coding is divided in two parts. The first explains how and why arithmetic coding works. We start presenting it in very general terms, so that its simplicity is not lost under layers of implementation details. Next, we show some of its basic properties, which are later used in the computational techniques required for a practical implementation. In the second part, we cover the practical implementation aspects, including arithmetic operations with low precision, the subdivision of coding and modeling, and the realization of adaptive encoders. We also analyze the arithmetic coding computational complexity, and techniques to reduce it. We start some sections by first introducing the notation and most of the mathematical definitions. The reader should not be intimidated if at first their motivation is not clear: these are always followed by examples and explanations.
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Arithmetic coding
- Title
- Unchanged
- Arithmetic coding
- Description
- Unchanged
- Arithmetic coding is a form of entropy encoding used in lossless data compression. Normally, a string of characters such as the words "hello there" is represented using a fixed number of bits per character, as in the ASCII code. When a string is converted to arithmetic encoding, frequently used characters will be stored with fewer bits and not-so-frequently occurring characters will be stored with more bits, resulting in fewer bits used in total. Arithmetic coding differs from other forms of entropy encoding, such as Huffman coding, in that rather than separating the input into component symbols and replacing each with a code, arithmetic coding encodes the entire message into a single number, an arbitrary-precision fraction q where 0.0 ≤ q < 1.0. It represents the current information as a range, defined by two numbers.
- Link
- Unchanged
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Arithmetic coding treated in An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Arithmetic coding treated in Introduction to Arithmetic Coding - Theory and Practice
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Data compression parent of Arithmetic coding
- Current
- parent of
Topic to topic relation | v1