Edit topic "PostgreSQL identity column" Accepted
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Update PostgreSQL identity column
- Title
- Unchanged
- PostgreSQL identity column
- At edit time
- PostgreSQL identity column
- Description
- Unchanged
- PostgreSQL version 10 introduced a new feature called GENERATED AS IDENTITY constraint that allows you to automatically assign a unique value to a column. The GENERATED AS IDENTITY constraint is the SQL standard-conforming variant of the PostgreSQL’s SERIAL column.
- At edit time
- PostgreSQL version 10 introduced a new feature called GENERATED AS IDENTITY constraint that allows you to automatically assign a unique value to a column. The GENERATED AS IDENTITY constraint is the SQL standard-conforming variant of the PostgreSQL’s SERIAL column.
- Link
- Unchanged
- https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-identity-column/
- At edit time
- https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-identity-column/
Update PostgreSQL parent of PostgreSQL identity column
- Current
- parent of
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- e.g.
Topic to topic relation | v2