Add resource "Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT" Accepted
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Changes: 11
Add Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT
- Title
- Unchanged
- Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT
- Type
- Unchanged
- Blog post
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2020-01-13
- Description
- Unchanged
- What do OT (Operational Transformation) and CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Type) really mean? And which one should you use in your real-time collaboration solution?
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Lessons learned from creating a rich-text editor with real-time collaboration
- Title
- Unchanged
- Lessons learned from creating a rich-text editor with real-time collaboration
- Type
- Unchanged
- Blog post
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2018-10-02
- Description
- Unchanged
- Real-time collaboration is a feature we wanted to introduce since the inception of CKEditor 5. The research that we made back in 2012 and some failed attempts that we observed all around showed us that full support for collaborative editing for rich-text data cannot be added on top of existing projects. A proper architecture has to be designed and implemented from scratch, with real-time collaboration treated as a first-class citizen in the entire project.
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Collaborative real-time editor
- Title
- Unchanged
- Collaborative real-time editor
- Description
- Unchanged
- A collaborative real-time editor is a type of collaborative software or web application which enables real-time collaborative editing, simultaneous editing, or live editing of the same digital document, computer file or cloud-stored data – such as an online spreadsheet, word processing document, database or presentation – at the same time by different users on different computers or mobile devices, with automatic and nearly instantaneous merging of their edits. Real-time collaborative editing can occur online in web applications such as Microsoft Office on the web (formerly Office Online) – which supports online (web-based) simultaneous editing (which Microsoft refers to as "Co-Authoring") of Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office documents stored on Office.
- Link
- Unchanged
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) compared in Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT
- Current
- compared in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Operational transformation compared in Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT
- Current
- compared in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Collaborative real-time editor treated in Lessons learned from creating a rich-text editor with real-time collaboration
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Collaborative real-time editor treated in Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Operational transformation cons given in Lessons learned from creating a rich-text editor with real-time collaboration
- Current
- cons given in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Computer science parent of Collaborative real-time editor
- Current
- parent of
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Operational transformation used by Collaborative real-time editor
- Current
- used by
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Building real-time collaboration applications: OT vs CRDT references Lessons learned from creating a rich-text editor with real-time collaboration
- Current
- references
Resource to resource relation | v1