Add topic "auto_route" Accepted
The requested resource couldn't be found.
Changes: 11
Add Flutter Navigator 2.0 Simplified with AutoRoute.
- Title
- Unchanged
- Flutter Navigator 2.0 Simplified with AutoRoute.
- Type
- Unchanged
- Web
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2020-12-25
- Description
- Unchanged
- To demonstrate how AutoRoute works we’re going to create a simple Master/details App, it will display a list of books inside of BookListPage, clicking one of the books is going to take us the BookDetailsPage where we can display it’s details and return a random rating upon clicking Rate Book button.
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- no value
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add auto_route
- Title
- Unchanged
- auto_route
- Description
- Unchanged
- AutoRoute is a declarative routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you
- Link
- Unchanged
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add vrouter
- Title
- Unchanged
- vrouter
- Description
- Unchanged
- A Flutter package that makes navigation and routing easy.
- Link
- Unchanged
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add beamer
- Title
- Unchanged
- beamer
- Description
- Unchanged
- Handle your application routing, synchronize it with browser URL and more. Beamer uses the power of Navigator 2.0 API and implements all the underlying logic for you.
- Link
- Unchanged
Topic | v1 | current (v1) -
Add auto_route treated in Flutter Navigator 2.0 Simplified with AutoRoute.
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Navigator 2.0 uses vrouter
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Navigator 2.0 uses beamer
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Flutter navigation uses auto_route
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Navigator 2.0 uses auto_route
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Flutter navigation uses beamer
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1 -
Add Flutter navigation uses vrouter
- Current
- uses
Topic to topic relation | v1