Add resource "A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics" Accepted
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Changes: 5
Add A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics
- Title
- Unchanged
- A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics
- Type
- Unchanged
- Book
- Created
- Unchanged
- 2018-11-27
- Description
- Unchanged
- A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics uses your familiarity with ideas from programming and software to teach mathematics. You'll learn about the central objects and theorems of mathematics, including graphs, calculus, linear algebra, eigenvalues, optimization, and more. You'll also be immersed in the often unspoken cultural attitudes of mathematics, learning both how to read and write proofs while understanding why mathematics is the way it is. Between each technical chapter is an essay describing a different aspect of mathematical culture, and discussions of the insights and meta-insights that constitute mathematical intuition. As you learn, we'll use new mathematical ideas to create wondrous programs, from cryptographic schemes to neural networks to hyperbolic tessellations. Each chapter also contains a set of exercises that have you actively explore mathematical topics on your own. In short, this book will teach you to engage with mathematics.
- Link
- Unchanged
- Identifier
- Unchanged
- ISBN: 9781727125450, 1727125452
Resource | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Jeremy Kun
- Name
- Unchanged
- Jeremy Kun
- Bio
- Unchanged
- My name is Jeremy Kun. I’m currently an engineer at Google. I earned a PhD in mathematics from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where my advisor was Lev Reyzin. I did my undergraduate degree at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in mathematics and computer science. I have a thorough background in computer science, but my most exciting experiences there always stemmed from elegant (and uncoincidentally mathematical) solutions to programming problems. This blog is a presentation of the interesting solutions I come across, and an exploration of the deeper mathematical ideas therein. Most often this means exploring the mathematical structure of a problem to lubricate the cogs of algorithm design. In seldom cases, this involves using programs to reason about mathematical theory.
- Link
- Unchanged
Author | v1 | current (v1) -
Add Computer programming treated in A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Mathematics treated in A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics
- Current
- treated in
Topic to resource relation | v1 -
Add Jeremy Kun created A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics
- Current
- created
Author to resource relation | v1